Edbrios & Blue Ivanhoe
Can & Am Ch. Edbrios Brave Heart |
nickname | jméno | Gibson |
born | narozen | 17.9.2003 |
sex | pohlaví | pes/male |
breeder | chovatel | EW & PA O'Brien & Jaroslava Poulová |
owner | majitel | Mrs. Virginia May (Maygate's),
Box 241, 232 Ledge Rd, Buck Hill Falls, PA, USA e-mail: gini59may@verizon.net , phone: 1-570-595-3446 |
health | zdraví | cert. eyes, HD: OFA Good |
Gibson with Ginny
It is very
special for us that Gibson lives with Ginny May and her husband Frank.
Ginny is the breeder of the famous Int, Am & S Ch. Maygate's Bogy Blue who
is the father of our beloved Dali (MultiCh. Kerrydom Court Dhaulagiri at
Edbrios) and grandfather to Gibson. Gibson's mother Dali was born by artifical insemination of chilled sperm sent over from Sweden to Slovakia. We find Bogy and his producing qualities very special and always felt honoured having his daughter which was a lot like him in many points. It was sort of destiny and a matter of incident that Dali's son found his new home in Pennsylvania with Ginny. Ginny knew about Dali's litter but in that time she lived a happy life with her 7 years old 'Jib'. Life is not so easy and one day Jib unexpectly passed away from an unusal heart condition. Ginny didn't know we still had 2 boys from that litter but she wrote if we had any she would love to get a puppy from Dali. And guess what, the boy who was still waiting for his new home was Gibson, Jib's 1st cousin, and his pedigree name was Brave Heart, so much connection to Ginny's beloved Jib. Gibson is happy guy now and enjoying his life with squirrels and deer in the beautiful Pocono Mountains. He travels time to time down to show his beauty off and so far he is doing quite well. Thank you Ginny for more than the wonderful home for Gibson and for your great efforts and enthusiasm! |
Je pro nás
zvláštní poctou, že Gibson žije s Ginny May a jejím manželem
Frankem. Ginny je chovatelkou slavného Int, Am & S Ch. Maygate's Bogy Blue,
který je otcem naší milované Dalí (MultiCh. Kerrydom Court Dhaulagiri at
Edbrios) a tudíž dědem Gibsona. Gibsonova matka Dalí se narodila
z umělé inseminace importovaného zchlazeného semene ze Švédska
na Slovensko. Bogy Blue a jeho reprodukční kvality mají pro nás
velký význam a vždy jsme se citili poctěni míti jeho dceru,
která v mnoha ohledech tyto kvality podědila. Fakt, že Gibson našel
svůj nový domov v Pensylvánii s Ginny, je častečně
dílem náhody či řízením osudu. Ginny věděla o
Dalí vrhu, ale v té době se těšila společnosti svého
milovaného 7 letého kerrýka Jiba. Život není procházkou růžovým
sadem a tak se jednoho dne stalo, že Jib nečekaně odešel na
onen svět z důvodu neobvyklého srdečního onemocnění.
Ginny v té době nevěděla, že máme ještě dva
pejsky, ale napsala nám, že pokud by si ještě pořídila
kerryho, byl by od Dalí. A jaká náhoda, jeden z pejsků, který
ještě u nás čekal na "ty správné" páníčky,
se jmenoval Gibson (delší jméno od Jib) a jeho oficiální jméno
bylo Brave Heart (statečné srdce). Jakoby mu bylo souzeno nahradit
Ginny milovaného Jiba. Gibson si nyní užívá života s veverkami a srnkami v krásném prostředí Pocono hor. Čas od času cestuje z hor dolů, aby předvedl svou krásu a na amerických výstavách si zatím vede dost dobře. |
Montgomery County Kennel Club - Award of Merit (121 entries)
handled by Philip
Picture Gallery & Other Information |
Ch. Kerrydom Court Dhaulagiri at Edbrios |
Gibson at Montgomery 2005 & 2006 |
Gibson at home |
USKBTC Traveling Specialty
Chicago - Award of Merit
handled by C. J. Favre
![]() |
12-13/8/2005 Penn Ridge Kennel Club |
12/06/2005 Longshore-Southport Kennel Club - 4
point major |
Shows |
18/06/ 2006 | USKBTC Traveling Specialty Chicago | Award of Merit | Mrs. Billie Kneale |
14/05/2006 | Lancaster Kennel Club | BOB | |
12/05/2006 | Pocono Mountain Kennel Club | BOB | |
05/05/2006 | Garden State All Terrier Club Show | BOB (19 entries) | |
09/04/2006 | Chesapeake Kennel Club Of Maryland | BOB | |
9/10/2005 | MONTGOMERY COUNTY | Award of Merit (121 entries) | |
18/09/2005 |
American Champion |
13/08/2005 | Penn Ridge Kennel Club | Winners Dog | |
12/08/2005 | Penn Ridge Kennel Club | Winners Dog | |
12/06/2005 | Longshore-Southport Kennel Club | Winners Dog (4 point major) | |
01/05/2005 | Winners Dog, Best of Winners | ||
30/04/2005 | The Wilmington Kennel Club | Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex | |
22/04/2005 | Columbia Terrier Association of Maryland | Winners Dog, Best of Winners (4 point major) | |
31/10/2004 | Winners Dog, Best of Winners |
Gibson's first point for Am. Championship, handled & prepared by Ginny 14 months old |
30.4.2005 The Wilmington Kennel Club Show Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex 19 months old |
Gibson's offspring |
April 27, 2008 Am Ch. Rockwell's Victorian Affair |
3 boys + 2 girls |
March 8, 2008 Can Ch. Albright's Aelf of Cleindori |
4 boys + 1 girl Gibson's offspring photo gallery |
December 18, 2007 Diana's Destine for Fame |
5 boys + 1 girl Gibson's offspring photo gallery |
February 1, 2006 by Rockwell's Honey Rider |
4 boys + 3 girls |
13 & 14 months old
fast index________________________________________________________________________________________________
© Created by Jaroslava
Poulová & Philip O'Brien, Edbrios & Blue
e-mail: info@edbrios.com