Edbrios & Blue Ivanhoe

 Edbrios Bohemia


nickname jméno Paxon
born narozen 17.9.2003
sex pohlaví fena/female
breeder chovatel EW & PA O'Brien & Jaroslava Poulová
owner majitel Clark Scott and EW & PA O'Brien & Jaroslava Poulová


Pedigree /  Rodokmen


18 months old

Paxon is from a succesful litter out of our famous bitch MultiCh. Kerrydom Court Dhaulagiri at Edbrios and Ir Ch. Louisburgh Coismeig Mor. She is living with Clark and Mags and 2 other blue friends Tullygorm Kilgad Lad and Shutz B Four Lovely in Northern Ireland. We plan to introduce her more into the show ring in 2005. She is small, cobby, feminine bitch with keen expression, level topline, substance, free movement & terrier attitude & temperament. 

A big thanks Clark and Mags for your friendship, trust and the great home you have made for 
Paxon. We look forward to our future together 
and keeping up the fun and good work !
Paxon je z velmi úspěšného vrhu po naší slavné MultiCh. Kerrydom Court Dhaulagiri at Edbrios a irského šampióna Louisburgh Coismeig Mor. Paxon žije s Clarkem a Mags a dalšími dvěma modrými kamarády Tullygorm Kilgad Lad a Shutz B Four Lovely v Severním Irsku. Plánujeme pro ní výstavy v roce 2005. Paxon je malá kvadratická feminní fenka s pronikavým výrazem, rovným hřbetem, substancí, prostorným pohybem a teriérským postojem a temperamentem. 

18 months old


Picture Gallery & Other Information

Mother  Multi Ch. Kerrydom Court Dhaulagiri at Edbrios  
Ch. Louisburgh Coismeig Mor 
Puppy Gallery

Just Born
8 weeks old
3-4 months old 

Family Fun  
Gallery Outdoor activities
Gallery Show Pictures

Edbrios Brave Heart (USA)
Edbrios Ned Kelly (Sweden)
Edbrios Bohemian Ivanhoe (Ireland)
Edbrios Joan of Arc (Spain)
Edbrios Dhaulagiri (Ireland)
Jun Ch. Ceallach Blue Ivanhoe (Germany)
Ciarrai Blue Ivanhoe (Czech)

12 months old

Shows  /  Výstavy

18/03/2005 St. Patrick's International Champ. Show exc. 1st, CACIB, res. Green Star bitch
full result & picture here
Monique v. Brempt (Belgium)


fast index________________________________________________________________________________________________

© Created by Jaroslava Poulová & Philip O'Brien, Edbrios & Blue Ivanhoe
e-mail: info@edbrios.com