Edbrios & Blue Ivanhoe
Int & Hun, Aus & CZ Ch. Ciarrai Blue Ivanhoe |
nickname | jméno | Kerry |
born | narozen | 17.3.2002 |
sex | pohlaví | fena/female |
breeder | chovatel | Jaroslava Poulová, Blue Ivanhoe |
owner | majitel | Dr. Tereza & Viktorie
Šmrhová, kennel
Bluevic adresa/address: V Cihelnách 87, 393 03 Tábor - Náchod e-mail: l.smrha@tiscali.cz |
8,5 years old Kerry as the European Veteran
Winner 2010
3 years old (April 2005)
There were only
2 puppies in this litter born on St. Patrick's Day, but both bitches are
doing well in the show ring. Ciarrai is a bitch of ideal size, nice neck & long head, good tailset & plenty behind the tail and excellent free movement. She is living in the Czech Republic with a family who owned the very first Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier in the country and also a famous kerry Int Ch. Szidi - Bell Entu who is of course also in Ciarrai's pedigree. Viki, Tereza, Luboš and Marek - thanks to you all for the great and loving home you have made for Kerry. We are delighted of your show effort and believe that the great team Viki & Kerry will do well. Keep up the good work ! |
V tomto vrhu
narozeném na Svátek Sv. Patricka byla jen dvě štěňátka a oběma fenkám se skvěle daří na výstavách. Kerry je fenka ideální výšky, pěkným krkem, dlouhou hlavou, výborně nasazeným ocasem a zádí, výborným prostorným pohybem. Kerry žije s rodinou Šmrhových, kteří vlastnili úplně prvního Irish Soft Coated Wheatna v Čechách a také slavného kerryho Int Ch. Szidi-Bell Entu, který je samozřejmě v Kerrynčině rodokmenu. Viki, Terezko, Luboši a Marku - děkujeme za vytvoření skvělého domova a vzornou péči o Kerry. Máme radost z vašeho vystavovatelského nadšení a věříme, že se skvělému tandemu Viki & Kerry dobře povede. Držime palce ! |
Ciarrai and her young owner Viki Šmrhová
2 x Best in Show
Junior Handler
Picture Gallery & Other Information |
Ch. Kerrydom Court Dhaulagiri at Edbrios |
Littermate: |
Shows |
! ! !
Austrian Champion ! ! ! |
13/05/2006 | International CACIB Show Salzburg(Austria) | exc. 1st, CACA | G. Schwab (Lux) |
29/10/2005 | International CACIB Show Hungary | Exc. 1st, CAC, CACIB, BOB | Gabor Korosz (Hun) |
29/10/2005 | International CACIB Show Hungary | Exc. 1st, CAC, CACIB, BOB | Katalin Radvanszky (Hun) |
27/08/2005 | International CACIB Show Innsbruck (Austria) | Exc. 1st, CACA, res. CACIB | Jochen H.Eberhard (D) |
25/06/2005 | Terrier Club Championship Show Austria | Exc. 1st, CACA, Best Bitch
& BOS full results PHOTOS |
Margaret Huber (AUS) |
04/06/2005 | FCI European Dog Show Tulln | Excellent (Open Class) full results PHOTOS | Libuše Ubrová (CZ) |
15/05/2005 | International CACIB Show Szilvasvarad (Hungary) | exc. 2nd, reserve CAC | Judith Averis (UK) |
14/05/2005 | International CACIB Show Szilvasvarad (Hungary) | exc. 1st, CAC | Harry O'Donoghue (IRL) |
30/04/2005 | International CACIB Show Praha | Best in Show Junior Handler | |
23/04/2005 | International CACIB Show České Budějovice | Exc. 2nd, reserve CC | Z. Jandová, (CZ) |
4/12/2004 | International CACIB Show Wels (Austria) | exc. 1st, CACA, res. CACIB | D. Wurgatsch (Germany) |
8/10/2004 | International CACIB Show České Budějovice | Exc. 2nd, reserve CC | Roman Sedlák (CZ) |
3/10/2004 | Czech Terrier Specialty Show Prague | Reserve Best in Show Junior Handler | PhDr. I. Světlá (CZ) |
2/10/2004 | Czech Terrier Club Show Prague | Best in Show Junior Handler | D. Kastle (Germany) |
7.2.2004 | International CACIB Show Brno | excellent 1st, CC | Z. Jandová, (CZ) |
4.10.2003 | European Dog Show Bratislava | excellent 4th | Kari Jarvinen (Finland) |
26. 4. 2003 | International CACIB Show České Budějovice | excellent 1st, Jun CC | Eva Letáčková (CZ) |
6. 10. 2002 | Terrier Club Show Prague | very promising 2nd | MVDr. Stanislav Bučko (SK) |
show critique : |
Picture from the
International CACIB Show in České Budějovice (13 months)
Ciarrai's offspring |
03/02/2006 by Multi Ch. Olido v. Landsberg |
2 boys + 3 girls kennel Bluevic |
fast index________________________________________________________________________________________________
© Created by Jaroslava
Poulová & Philip O'Brien, Edbrios & Blue
e-mail: info@edbrios.com