Edbrios & Blue Ivanhoe

KBT Specialty 2009
Show Results & Photos

The Dublin Irish Blue Terrier & International KBT Club Show
The KBT Specialty

judge: Mrs. Margaret Moller-Siber, Germany

Ch. Edbrios Amadeus - Exc 1st in Champion Class, GS, Best Male, BOS

Ch. Edbrios Marco Polo - Exc 2nd in Open Class, Best Coat & Colour

Ch. Kerrydom Court Dhaualgiri at Edbrios - Best Veteran Bitch

full results will be added soon

Photos by our friend Paul McArdle or as stated otherwise

BOB - Ch. Naughty But Nice at Kopykats - BOS Ch. Edbrios Amadeus
Photo: Mr. Walter Pfenning, Germany (Penny's)

photo on the right: Photo: Mr. Walter Pfenning, Germany (Penny's)

Ch. Edbrios Amadeus - Best Dog, BOS

A Love dance for the Dog challenge
Ch. Edbrios Amadeus (Green Star Dog), Namor de La Cadiera (Reserve Green Star Dog)
Photo: Yuri & Julia Geller, Estonia (Carrigallen)

Ch. Edbrios Amadeus (Green Star Dog), Namor de La Cadiera (Reserve Green Star Dog)
Photo: Theo Braun, Germany

Champion Class males
Photo: Yuri & Julia Geller, Estonia (Carrigallen)

Ch. Marco Polo (Open Class) left

Ch. Marco Polo winning Coat & Colour class  

   Marco on the move, photo on the right: Yuri & Julia Geller, Estonia (Carrigallen)

Multi Ch. Kerrydom Court Dhaulagiri at Edbrios
10 years old
Best Veteran Bitch
photo on the right: Aileen Santo, USA (Paxon)

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© Created by Jaroslava Poulová & Philip O'Brien, Edbrios & Blue Ivanhoe
e-mail: info@edbrios.com