Edbrios & Blue Ivanhoe

 Edbrios Rhythm N'Blues


nickname jméno Ella (Fitzgerald)
born narozen 28.8.2004
sex pohlaví fena/female
breeder chovatel EW & PA O'Brien & Jaroslava Poulová
owner majitel Corey & Debbie & Ray Halton, UK


Pedigree /  Rodokmen

Best friends Ella & Corey

Ella is living in England with Corey, Debbie & Ray Halton 
in a beautiful home full of love. She was the smartest 
and most independent puppy and we could see it from the day she was born. We are so happy that her owners trully appreciate her special personality ! Beside her wonderful character, she is also very attractive girl full of Irish spirit.

Corey, Debbie and Ray, we are extremely happy we got such a wonderful home for Ella and we trully appreciate your efforts. Good luck and see you at the Dublin Marathon if not before :-)
Ella žije v Anglii s Corey, Debbie a Rayem Haltonovými 
v domově plným lásky. Ella byla to nejvychytralejší a nezávislé štěně od dne narození. Jsme moc šťastni, že 
její noví majitelé 100 % oceňují její výjimečnou osobnost. Vedle výborného temperamentu je také velmi atraktivní slečnou s pravou irskou jiskrou.

3 months old

Picture Gallery & Other Information

Mother Ch. Glenfitor Clodagh at Edbrios  
Father Edbrios Bohemian Ivanhoe  
Gallery Puppy Pictures  
Family Fun  NEW
Gallery Show Pictures

Edbrios Boogie - Woogie
Edbrios Bohemian Rhapsody (Czech)
Edbrios Twist 'N Shout (France)
Edbrios Jazzman (Russia)
Jun Ch. Edbrios Blue Ivanhoe

5 months old cutie

fast index________________________________________________________________________________________________

© Created by Jaroslava Poulová & Philip O'Brien, Edbrios & Blue Ivanhoe
e-mail: info@edbrios.com