Edbrios & Blue Ivanhoe
Články Chov, zdraví & další užitečné odkazy |
Chov & zdraví |
U KBT jsou znamy 3 dedicne choroby, na ktere je
k dispozici geneticky (DNA) test:
von Willebrandova choroba (vWD) Typ I (porucha srazlivosti krve) - testovaci
kit lze objednat na
Degenerativni Myelopathie (DM) (porucha michy projevujici se prevazne u starsich psu nejdrive slabosti v zadnich koncetinach az uplnym ochrnutim) - vice info na OFA strance: http://www.offa.org/dnatesting
Za pomoci techto testu lze presne urcit, zda se
jedna o psa "Clear" (cisteho), "Carrier" (nosice) anebo "Affected/at risk" (postizeneho/s
predpokladem k onemocneni). Testy neslouzi k vyrazovani jedincu z chovu,
nybrz pomahaji chovatelum sestavit vhodne chovne pary tak, aby se zabranilo
produkci dalsich postizenych jedincu a eventuelne se vyskyt choroby v
populaci plemene postupne snizil na minimum ci zcela vymytil, ne vsak na
ukor zuzeni geneticke variability. |
in English |
Chov & zdraví
A must read article from one of the most qualified expert. "The goal
in dog breeding is FUNCTIONALLY healthy dogs with construction and mentality
typical to the breed... Take the time to read
the full
article here |
in English
Chov & zdraví |
Misuse of Health Testing An interesting article not
only about negative phenomenon of so called Breeding police, the use of
health test results as a marketing tool or unnecessary excluding dogs from
the gene pool... By pointing at these negative effects this article actually
explains very well how to maintain wise breeding policies. |
in English |
Chov & zdraví |
An alternative studies about Hip Dysplasia by
Orthomolecular Specialties : Changing the Concept of Canine Hip Dysplasia by Orthomolecular Specialties Canine Hip Dysplasia by Orthomolecular Specialties
in English |
Chov & zdraví |
You can read how much "human factor" is
involved in canine hip x-rays...what you should know before you have your
dog x-rayed. |
in English |
kontroly zdraví a dědičnosti zdraví psů v ČR |
Česky |
© Created by Jaroslava
Poulová & Philip O'Brien, Edbrios & Blue
e-mail: info@edbrios.com